Friday, November 30, 2007

Some things about me.

My soon-to-be-sister-in-law, Wendi, tagged me to tell 6/7 things about myself.
She is marrying my brother Matt, they have some of their engagement pictures up if you want to see them at

1. I went to six elementary schools, 2 junior high schools and 3 high schools.

2. I home-school my children. Could number one be a reason for that, I'm not sure. I do it though because after lots of prayer and deliberation, I can't deny that it is what is right for our family. It is hard and frustrating but also challenging and rewarding. Most people think I'm crazy and some days I believe them but being a mom makes us do crazy things sometimes.

3. I would love to travel the world with my family. I saw this family that prepared financially for a couple of years so they could leave and see the world. They packed minimally, planned very carefully and did service projects and stuff along the way and it just inspired me. Some definite points of interest would be Egypt, France, Jerusalem, Ireland, Azores Islands and New Zealand.

4. I have a terrible habit of staying up late and sleeping in and then telling myself all day long I won't do it again that day. I've never been a morning person.

5. I like to play PlayStation with my hubby. I'm not very good and only play some games but I still have fun.

6. I love having all girls for all the girly stuff in includes. But for the life of me they won't let me do anything to their hair other than an occasional curling. I have to beg and plead and bribe and fight to get a pony tail that will come out about 3 minutes later.

I hope this was enlightening instead of boring. So if you are reading this, consider yourself tagged as well.

6 friends said...:

Shaina said...

Nice things Bethany! I still say you are amazing for homeschooling. By the way, FABULOUS photographer for Matt and his girl. The pictures are amazing. I can't believe that's the same little brother. Wow.

coolingstar9 said...

Yes, I am coolingstar9, It is good to travel oversea with family to see the outside world what it look like, then may be you will have a diffrent mindset, May all good things come to you and your family, wish you merry christmas. Please visit my blog site if you are free, thanks in advance.

Autumn Ables said...
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Autumn said...

Ajoy said...
Bethany- it was neat to read more about you. Even though I know you well, it amazes me that as life goes on and experiences abound...people change. Opinions, attitudes- well everything. Since I am no longer in your every day life- I find it a happy day when I can read your blog and be caught up. Especially with these little personal tidbits. Thanks for sharing!

I like reading about my other family members or friends too- seeing what they have to say or report. Blogging is a cool thing.

I think you are AWESOME for homeschooling your children. I really enjoyed the 3 years that I did it too. Yes, it was hard but very rewarding. My only drawback that made me send my children to school was that I had VERY, VERY little support. VERY little. Warren's family never did encourage me- or those that didn't spoke there minds ever so keenly. Or lack of. Many tones of disdain. My husband thought I that I couldn't teach the children as a school could. My mother encouraged me- here and there but hello. She's lives a trillion miles away and I only talk to her every so often. I had ward members gawk and make rude comments. I had neighbors who thought I was insane and I felt like my every move was watched. It was extremely hard for me to keep up. I had some support like a homeschool group that met once a month but the parents had older children. My best friend at the time also homeschooled and she gave the most wonderful support. That was what I needed and I love her for it. And I thank you for ALWAYS supporting me with encouragng words. :) It made a differnce.

Good luck with your schooling, Bethany. You can conquer this! Even on those rough days.

Sharon said...

Matt is so grown up! He's my age but you know time flies! haha that photographer did a great job. I also think its great to homeschool, you're a better woman than me.

Wendi and Matt said...

haha i have a hot man yes and yes he is grown up :)