Monday, September 22, 2008

Do you have a cure for thumb-sucking?????

5 friends said...:

kdaygirl said...

We used something for nail biting. (dont remember what it is called, stop thumb?) Its sold at any store pretty much.. It tastes terrible and she stopped biting her nails.

Shaina said...

Kamy bites her nails. She wants to stop, so she said that every time she uses hand sanitizer, the taste is yucky and she won't bite her nails.

Autumn said...

I just let Parker and Spencer do it as long as they wanted. They quit on their own. Just my philosophy. If they were to start school and still be sucking their thumb that would be a different stoy. I would have try to figure something out then- but I'm glad I didn't!

Good luck!

Elissa said...

Wish I could help you here but so far we've been blissfully thumb-sucking free around here. But mine were all binkie babies and I know yours weren't. I wonder if that has anything to do with it. Hmmm...

FYI Greg was a thumb sucker until he was seven. Must run in the family. :>)

He said he quit on his own, too. And he went to school so I guess he really wanted that thing in his mouth!

Baden and Emily said...

Okay I dont know any cures for thusmbsucking except impentigo or whatever it's called . It cured me! Olivias probly not as diseased as I am though. You ased before if I had read any good books. SOmeone referred a book to me called These is My Words by Nancy Turner. I read it and liked it alot. But I hated the fact that I neglected my kids and didn't get any house work done.